Bithustle - Life Management

Getting you to a better place, one day at a time.

Adding a Task that Displays Everyday

At it's best, Bithustle will remove some of the monotony and lost time to writing out lists that often contain the same items, day after day.

In this section, we will enter the items you want to be reminded of each day to complete.

From the main page, will click on the ToDo tab.

To enter tasks that will appear everyday, we click on Daily Tasks.

If you have entered the sleep section, steps, or reading, you may see that some data is populated on the left side. These tasks have been placed by the system once you activate those pariticular features.

Adding Daily Items

When you open this screen, or similar screens in Bithustle, it's important to note that you are in 'edit' mode for the record that is displayed.

To add a new item, you'll click on the highlighted tab that says 'Add New Task'.

After adding the task, I took the screen shot below (that's why it's showing Edit Task on the tab). In this case, Take Dog out in AM will appear each day on your list.

Why Add Something So Basic?

I would lean towards adding items like this for three reasons.

  • It gets you rolling onto other items in your list. Checking something off is a good momentum builder.
  • The task does use time. When we look at a complete day, it's best to have everything listed. If you're asking 'where'd the time go', it's best to have all of these little tasks. Lots of little tasks can take quite a bit of time.
  • It gets you accustomed to only doing what's on your list. If I'm going to do it, it must be on my list. If it's not on my list, I'm not doing it.

When the next day is scheduled, as you would expect, "Take dog out in AM." is on the list.

Once completed, we check each off.


Each task was entered with just 1 point associated with it. Completing each, the scoring for tasks for the day will look like the chart below.