Bithustle - Life Management

Getting you to a better place, one day at a time.

This application is focused on the narrow target market that is heavily focused on time management and personal development.

Starting Point - Automate your To Do List

Most studies of successful individuals will devote a significant amount of time to the importance of a daily to do list, whether it's created in the morning, or the night before. This application takes a three step approach to creating your daily to do list. First, similar to all list managers, you can enter a specific item for a specific day. Second, use the day of the week, or some other recurring time period to have an item included on your list. Third, and what's most different about this application, is that you can map out items that are important to you, and the system drops them into your daily manager.

An Example, Keeping up on Your Reading

Below is a screen shot of one page from the application that runs on your pc. You fill out the information, as well as a box that allows you to set a number of books you'd like to read in a year.

Your Daily Output

Below is a sample of what you receive daily. An email is sent to you each night at midnight, with two links. The first link is to a webpage that looks similar to what's below. The second link sends you to a report page that shows how you performed the previous day on your assigned tasks.

Depending upon how you set up your Daliy Manager, the tabs you receive may be different (you may exclude any or all of them). For example, you may decide that you don't need to track your finances daily, then that tab will not be included.

After you've read a certain number of pages for the day, you just enter the end page under "Actual End Page". The system records this, and the following day you will be scheduled to read from today's end point. If you choose to use the coaching system built into the program, you will be assigned or penalized points, depending on how well you've done at achieving the daily goal.


It's easy to forget to take a medication. The application let's you program in all the medications you should be taking. The resulting page provides buttons for each medication that you simply click on once you've taken the pill. If you forget, the application will send you a text 30 minutes after the missed pill.


For those that want to be reminded of their affirmations, the system can be set up to do this. We could expand this to a text as well, would be interested if there is an interest in that by end users.

User Defined

We all have different goals and things we're interested in accomplishing. This section lets you customized items that are specific to you.

When I'm trying to get some programming completed, I set a daily goal of completing five programming sheets (basically the notes I work from as I'm programming).

You could put anything in here... from a new habit you'd like to get started on, to something more concrete. I have another project where I'm trying to list all of my books on ABE books. I could say, add ten books per day, and then ten check boxes would be provided. If I went to keep my daily score high, I need to get them done.

Here you'll see the result of what I've entered into the application above.