Bithustle - Life Management

Getting you to a better place, one day at a time.

Adding a Single Task for Today

There are two ways to add a task to the current list of tasks for today. In the app, from the familiar first screen, you'll select the "To Do - Today..." tab.

You will enter simple things to do for today on this screen.

The legal pad page of for today's items might look similar to what is below. We haven't yet entered the 'new' to do item.

Adding a Single One Time Item

Where you see the yellow highlight below, on the "To Do:" field, you will enter the task. In this example, the task is important, so it's been weighted with 2 points that will be awarded when it's completed, and the day is scored.

Within a few seconds, the new item will appear on your legal pad. We can see it below as the top item.

Clicking anywhere on the item will cause the red 'x' to appear, signifying that the item is complete.


On the screen above, all 4 tasks are marked as complete. Recall that we wanted to be sure to complete the payment, so we gave it two points. We see that reflected in the chart that shows the previous days scoring. In this case, you have 5 points total for tasks completed.

2 for the payment, and 1 each for the other 3 tasks.