Bithustle - Life Management

Getting you to a better place, one day at a time.


I need over 8 hours sleep each night. If I don't get it, I can do physical things, but I don't concentrate well.

How many hours do you need? Whatever the number, it's probably more important than we realize. That's why it's where we're going to start.

To get to the 'sleep' screen, click on the Project tab.

Once on the Projects tab, click on the Sleep button.

You'll see the screen below. It's possible you don't want 'sleep' to be scored. The top box 'Include Sleep in Scoring' can be checked, or not checked. If it's unchecked, scoring for sleep will be ignored.

Beneath that first checkbox, you'll see three different areas. The amount of sleep you get each night, when you go to bed, and when you get up.

Here is the first example of how we've tried to make the system adaptable to each user. You may feel the only important thing here is when you go to bed. In that case, you would check the top most check box (Include Sleep in Scoring), and then check 'Score Bed Time'. You would leave the other checkboxes 'unchecked'.

Daily Task Added to Record Sleep

If you choose to have some element of 'sleep' scored (by clicking save on the screen above, while any of the four boxes is checked), the system will add a daily task to your task list to "Enter Sleep Data for last night.".

What You'll Do Each Day

Clicking on the Additional Items tab you'll find the spot to enter your 'sleep' data.

Each day, you'll enter the information for last night's sleep. How long, when did you go to bed, and what time did you get up.

When data is cleaned up, show scoring here.